Rfotofolio: Denis Roussel Awards 2018-2023

I am continuously amazed by the thoughtful ways that alt-process artists experiment with the photographic syntax. Every year Connie and Jerry at Rfotofolio recognize artists who submit their portfolios for the Denis Roussel Award. While I was not able to meet Denis in person, he lived right in the same small town in Colorado that I do! In 2023 I was honored to learn my Reverie project was selected by Christopher James for special recognition.

Rfotofolio has curated a page with the many talented artists who have been acknowledged over the past few years, many of whom I gladly call friends. The work as a whole is spectacular and showcases the variety of way handcrafted photography can be beautifully made.


View portfolios from 2018-2023


Read their interview with me from 2024


Trees 2024